According to Arthur Gills on News24 there is no use whatsoever spending substantial sums creating a website with all the bells and whistles, that doesn’t also include a data-light mobi version.He also states that Africa has an incredibly high mobile penetration - in many places it’s the only form of electronic communication - so mobi makes sense if you want to reach a wider market, and might in fact become a make or break decider for potential customers who are not yet especially brand loyal.
- The South African Internet user base had grown from 6,8-million in 2010 to 8,5-million at the end of 2011 – no less than 25% growth.
- a total of 7,9-million South Africans access the Internet on their cell phones.
- Of these, 2,48-million access it only on their cellphones, and do not have access on the computers. The remaining 6,02-million users access the Internet on computers, laptops, and tablet computers.
- However, 90% of this number – 5,42-million – also access it on their cellphones.
This means that almost 8-million South Africans sometimes or regularly access the Internet on their phones.
Robust growth for online media
- Online advertising in South Africa grew at the fastest rate of all countries in the English-language world in 2008.
- 32% growth in online advertising in 2008, after an equally positive 27% growth in 2007.
- Actual online advertising spend in 2008 was up to R319-million, from R240-million the year before.
- The growth forecast for the following two years was 35 percent a year, indicating online advertising revenues of R565-million in 2010 and R760-million in 2011.
Source: Adapted from